Sunday, March 24, 2013

David Icke's theories along with mine regarding Bigfoot sightings

Welcome to my Blog! Please join me for a discussion about Bigfoots, Parallel Universes, Conspiracy Theories and much more!

First off, I do love to watch that show on TV "Finding Bigfoot" I can't say that I truly believe that there are Bigfoots running around this planet because I have never seen one.  However, I've never seen God per-say  and yet I believe in God (a creator of us and possibly this and other universes) Buddha, Yin & Yang, The Force, etc...

But several weeks ago I was watch Russell Brand's new show on FX, Brand X, he's hilariously brilliant and quite articulate and seemingly educated, as well.  Anyway, Author, Speaker, David Icke was on his show briefly, but long enough to get me thinking.  He spoke of parallel universes based on bandwidths. He says there are other universes in which we can't see because they are on/in another bandwidth than ours.
Here is his website if you wish to read and learn more about him and also this particular topic.

Years ago I also saw Sylvia Browne a well known Psychic and Author, loved by Montel Williams, a man whom I find to be a rather intelligent man, and Sylvia says there are other worlds/Universes and sometimes portals open up for one reason or another and those creatures end up in our world.

I actually had a friend who is Wiccan and taught me to read Tarot so well that it actually scared me I was so accurate.  She claims to have seen these other worlds and been through these portals.

Still with me?  I refuse to say whether or I believe in this stuff or not because I am actually still trying to figure that out myself.  I can not say that it's not true, who am I to say that?  I have a degree in Medical Specialties but not Quantum Science of any kind.  Mostly just lots of reading and great TV programs to get me to thinking about what if?  What if these Bigfoot/Sasquatch creatures are actually from another universe and the ones that are seen, have come through some portal or the people that can see them can see these other bandwidths?

I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions. Please let's not be rude here.  I too have my doubts about a lot of this stuff.  But I got to thinking and so many brilliant people believe in Bigfoot, let's give this parallel universe theory a chance.

Also please, any scientists I would love love love love, to hear your ideas too.


  1. David Icke is a great man with an insane mind! I love the guy, but he gets many things confused. The main point here is that getting your mind around such things as parrellel worlds on higher planes and the deeper mysteries of mankind (which have been safely taught within certain groups such as the Freemasons for centuries) many misconceptions can be made. That was why there were 'secrets' in such groups. They were secrets about man's past which if misinterpreted could be very dangerous. There is nothing more dangerous than mankind losing touch with the spirit. The misconceptions that Icke and other's have made about bible stories that are steeped in symbology have influenced millions to believe we have come from Aliens and such theories. This is false and leads to more material thinking from the exact people who are inclined to look into the spirit realm. An incredible shame, and it highlights the exact reason why certain groups as before mentioned have their secrets. Ed @ Bigtruth

  2. Fabulous blog beth, real food for thought. Found you via parra paranormal on facebook. My blog is if you would like to visit my page. blessings, Alison xx

  3. Hello, My name is Will Pritchard Lead investigator and founder of DEAD Creek Paranormal out of (now) San Antonio, Texas. I first wanted to lend our support, and well wishes to you blog, Secondly, as i am a "ghost hunter" so much not a Bigfoot Researcher, I also Believe in the spiritual aspect of this creature, and would like to have an opprotunity to discuss that with you in detail at somepoint, in the meantime, thank you for this information, and keep Para-Unity alive.

  4. Thanks you all so much for your input. I love reading others thoughts regarding this. I've always been interested in the paranormal and with the recent popularity of the Finding Bigfoot show, my mind has been on overdrive with thoughts. A lot of people think that just because they haven't seen or experienced something firsthand, that it doesn't exist. There is so much about just this planet and this universe that we don't know about, just imagine what else is out there. I'm a snorkeler and just swimming around I'm the ocean is like a whole new world with "aliens" and weird creatures, so many people have never been down I'm the ocean, the first time I swam with a manatee, I cried because of the beauty and it felt like I was on another planet. Who's to say that there aren't bigfoots and parallel universes? And that's just the tip of the iceberg! What else is out there? I can't even articulate or visulaize what all could be real and out there.

  5. 'Men in Black' quote: Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow.

    1. Amen to that! So much to know so little time to learn it all!

  6. Interesting theory, but I will have to disagree. I believe that sasquatch is a species of large primate native to North America.

    1. You very well might be correct but its just something that came to my crazy brain one day. It certainly could explain things for some though.who knows maybe there is a whole universe with just bigfoots. Ill never say anyone is wrong until I can prove 100% otherwise. I'd never deny anyone their own theory or belief. We could all be correct. I feel the same about religion. I happen to be my own vartiation of Christianitywith scientific facts influencing and also my own person experiences. But if someone believes in Buddha or whatever, maybe we are all right because maybe we create what we believe or (God) or the Creator or whatever, meant for all of us to believe in different things. Who really knows. Science could be something our Creator created to make us think? LOL I really can't say. And refuse to say I'm right.

    2. I believe this could be an ancient skull of what we today call Sasquatch. Not found in North America though. It was discovered in South America, Peru to be exact but isn't it cool, estimated to be 2000 yrs old or more.

  7. If you want answer's to many of these questions try learning to meditate using western esoteric methods and train your brain to take in much more.

    1. That's something ill need to do for certain! I've always had problems relaxing and meditation is definitely something I've always wanted to research. Thanks!

  8. Bad things hidden by the Gov't.
