Bigfoot's Realm: Where Did I Put Those Dadgum Bodies, Big Hairy?
Checkout the link above for.this person's amazing blog!
Where Did I Put Those Dadgum Bodies, Big Hairy?
Yesterday I wrote about a lack of evidence that supports the existence of Sasquatch. I wrote about poop. Today I have something else to write about. Bodies. Before you ask, I am not a serial killer. I just thought I would clear that up. Anyhoo. A lot of people refuse to believe in Bigfoot because there has never been a body found before. Well, it wasn't until 2005 that a fossil of a chimp was discovered. To the best of my knowledge, we've never found any body or skeleton of a chimp in the wild. Why? Nature takes care of these things very quickly. Proof? Sure.
As you can see by watching the video above, nature does indeed take care of decomposition very quickly. It is not surprising that we've never found a Sasquatch skeleton or a Bigfoot body. Why do I think so?There are very few of them.As seen above, bodies decompose quickly in the wild.These bodies could easily go undetected in the many, many hundreds of thousands of acres of woods in the world.I think there will be a time when we do discover some evidence of a Sasquatch. Whether it is a fossil, a skeleton or bone fragment, a body, or other DNA evidence is obviously yet to be determined. We have already found evidence that gigantic apes did once live on this earth (Gigantopithecus). Until then, keep Squatching.
Parallel Universes & Bigfoots (Just a thought)
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
top ranking states for bigfoot sightings
Wow!top ranking states for Bigfoot sightings. I can't believe Florida is on that list. I've personally never heard any stories in FL. I'd love to go on an expessdition and research these sightings.
Wow!top ranking states for Bigfoot sightings. I can't believe Florida is on that list. I've personally never heard any stories in FL. I'd love to go on an expessdition and research these sightings.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
It's not just me; there are others who think like I do.
Bigfoot Returns!
The press release which follows this introduction was sent to me recently by Jon-Erik Beckjord, a long-time Bigfoot hunter. It came attached with four photographs, which we present here untouched, along with the release accompanying them. Maybe I’m just a lousy pattern-seeking primate, but I just can’t see Bigfoot at all, even when I squint and use my imagination.As an interesting back story to this, I emailed Beckjord to make sure it was okay to post his photographs. He agreed that it was fine, but insisted that I call him first, which I did. It was a most enlightening conversation. When I explained that, try as I may, I could not for the life of me see the creature in the phone, he insisted that everyone he showed these photos to without hesitation said things like “what’s that monkey doing there?” I then asked him, “Why are there no Bigfoot bodies?” That is, if you want to name a new species, you have to actually present to the scientific community a type specimen. Beckjord’s answer was most interesting: turns out that Bigfoot is not a primate evolved here on Earth, but is in fact a being from a parallel universe who pops in and out of our universe through worm holes. He referenced Einstein and Michio Kaku for this particular interpretation of quantum physics, and went on to explain that the worm hole/parallel universe theory also explains why we have no crashed UFOs, no alien bodies, along with ghost sightings, visitations from lost loved ones, and the like. So, in conclusion, Beckjord said that we do not now have—and never will have—physical evidence of Bigfoot.The text follows and all the photos can be found on Beckjord’s website. I don’t think they need any further commentary.— Michael Shermer
New Evidence by Bigfoot Researchers
A PRESS RELEASE FROM JON-ERIK BECKJORDPRESS RELEASE — FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE(These are absolutely not hoaxed nor faked. No Photoshop, only 35mm film.)AFTER QUALITY PRINTING and enhancement, a Bigfoot photo taken 9/27/06 on an expedition in CA can now be shown.Bigfoot was photographed while unseen in High Sierras of CA, when members of a camping trip encountered screams by a possible Bigfoot in response to “Call blasting” of other bigfoot screams, and found several old Bigfoot tracks. However, during a walk around the other side of a pond at the El Dorado National Forest Site (between Stockton and Lake Tahoe), Jon-Erik Beckjord investigated a spot where girlfriend Chris Pitts had seen a brief flash of what seemed like Bigfoot from the previous day, and while standing there, took several photos of the campsite looking across the pond. In two photos in 35mm color, using a pocket camera, there appears to be a Bigfoot creature standing by a camp vehicle, looking back at the camera. A head, torso, and a well-muscled arm are visible.
“Long photo cropped to show Ms. Pitts (right) in blue shirt, and Bigfoot by car, on left by tree. The green brush seen in the center obscured her view of the Bigfoot.” (above photograph © 2006 Jon-Erik Beckjord, used here with permission. View other images on Beckjord’s website.)Also, many people are able to see a male organ on the creature in the photo. (Note — there was a tent rope to the tree, on which a pair of white shorts were drying. Also the tent rope supported a blue tarp. Let there be no absurd comments about the drying shorts, they had nothing to do with the creature but they did obscure part of the abdomen.) The head has a strong and wide nose. In one shot, Ms. Pitts is standing 30 feet away and in the other, she is not visible. The film was 200 ASA Kodak color print film. Shot 5 was normal view, and shot 6 was telephoto. Beckjord, the photographer, did not see the creature, some 200 feet away, as often happens at this site during previous expeditions. Assuming the car is 5.5 ft in height, the creature looks to be about 10 ft. For some reason, these creatures feel safer when men are out of the camp area, such as across a creek or pond, at least 200 feet away. (Perhaps they are traumatized by deer hunters with rifles, and are cautious.) In any case, they are more timid than chimps at Gombe Stream, where Dr. Jane Goodall did her research. Dr. Goodall has stated several times that she feels there is a possibility that such large primates as these may inhabit North America.Several biologists have viewed the image, and one has been willing to make a limited statement. Dr. Thomas Tomasi of SW Missouri State Univ., says that it looks to him like “a large unidentified primate.” People on the street, of all backgrounds, from doctors to clerks, say: “What’s that big monkey?”Queries can be made at 510-878-2468 with emailrudyrudy3@comcast.netView images at this page.Former images from other years may be seen BIRO website is 30 years at this research.Other expeditions are planned for other parts of the US, depending on how many sign up. See this page.Photo is © 2006 Jon-Erik Beckjord but press can have one-time use at no charge.Contact info: Jon-Erik Beckjord, (Berkeley MBA) (Eagle Scout) 510-878-2468, 510-575-5887 (cell)VISIT Beckjord’s website for more photos >
The press release which follows this introduction was sent to me recently by Jon-Erik Beckjord, a long-time Bigfoot hunter. It came attached with four photographs, which we present here untouched, along with the release accompanying them. Maybe I’m just a lousy pattern-seeking primate, but I just can’t see Bigfoot at all, even when I squint and use my imagination.As an interesting back story to this, I emailed Beckjord to make sure it was okay to post his photographs. He agreed that it was fine, but insisted that I call him first, which I did. It was a most enlightening conversation. When I explained that, try as I may, I could not for the life of me see the creature in the phone, he insisted that everyone he showed these photos to without hesitation said things like “what’s that monkey doing there?” I then asked him, “Why are there no Bigfoot bodies?” That is, if you want to name a new species, you have to actually present to the scientific community a type specimen. Beckjord’s answer was most interesting: turns out that Bigfoot is not a primate evolved here on Earth, but is in fact a being from a parallel universe who pops in and out of our universe through worm holes. He referenced Einstein and Michio Kaku for this particular interpretation of quantum physics, and went on to explain that the worm hole/parallel universe theory also explains why we have no crashed UFOs, no alien bodies, along with ghost sightings, visitations from lost loved ones, and the like. So, in conclusion, Beckjord said that we do not now have—and never will have—physical evidence of Bigfoot.The text follows and all the photos can be found on Beckjord’s website. I don’t think they need any further commentary.— Michael Shermer
New Evidence by Bigfoot Researchers
A PRESS RELEASE FROM JON-ERIK BECKJORDPRESS RELEASE — FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE(These are absolutely not hoaxed nor faked. No Photoshop, only 35mm film.)AFTER QUALITY PRINTING and enhancement, a Bigfoot photo taken 9/27/06 on an expedition in CA can now be shown.Bigfoot was photographed while unseen in High Sierras of CA, when members of a camping trip encountered screams by a possible Bigfoot in response to “Call blasting” of other bigfoot screams, and found several old Bigfoot tracks. However, during a walk around the other side of a pond at the El Dorado National Forest Site (between Stockton and Lake Tahoe), Jon-Erik Beckjord investigated a spot where girlfriend Chris Pitts had seen a brief flash of what seemed like Bigfoot from the previous day, and while standing there, took several photos of the campsite looking across the pond. In two photos in 35mm color, using a pocket camera, there appears to be a Bigfoot creature standing by a camp vehicle, looking back at the camera. A head, torso, and a well-muscled arm are visible.
“Long photo cropped to show Ms. Pitts (right) in blue shirt, and Bigfoot by car, on left by tree. The green brush seen in the center obscured her view of the Bigfoot.” (above photograph © 2006 Jon-Erik Beckjord, used here with permission. View other images on Beckjord’s website.)Also, many people are able to see a male organ on the creature in the photo. (Note — there was a tent rope to the tree, on which a pair of white shorts were drying. Also the tent rope supported a blue tarp. Let there be no absurd comments about the drying shorts, they had nothing to do with the creature but they did obscure part of the abdomen.) The head has a strong and wide nose. In one shot, Ms. Pitts is standing 30 feet away and in the other, she is not visible. The film was 200 ASA Kodak color print film. Shot 5 was normal view, and shot 6 was telephoto. Beckjord, the photographer, did not see the creature, some 200 feet away, as often happens at this site during previous expeditions. Assuming the car is 5.5 ft in height, the creature looks to be about 10 ft. For some reason, these creatures feel safer when men are out of the camp area, such as across a creek or pond, at least 200 feet away. (Perhaps they are traumatized by deer hunters with rifles, and are cautious.) In any case, they are more timid than chimps at Gombe Stream, where Dr. Jane Goodall did her research. Dr. Goodall has stated several times that she feels there is a possibility that such large primates as these may inhabit North America.Several biologists have viewed the image, and one has been willing to make a limited statement. Dr. Thomas Tomasi of SW Missouri State Univ., says that it looks to him like “a large unidentified primate.” People on the street, of all backgrounds, from doctors to clerks, say: “What’s that big monkey?”Queries can be made at 510-878-2468 with emailrudyrudy3@comcast.netView images at this page.Former images from other years may be seen BIRO website is 30 years at this research.Other expeditions are planned for other parts of the US, depending on how many sign up. See this page.Photo is © 2006 Jon-Erik Beckjord but press can have one-time use at no charge.Contact info: Jon-Erik Beckjord, (Berkeley MBA) (Eagle Scout) 510-878-2468, 510-575-5887 (cell)VISIT Beckjord’s website for more photos >
Sunday, March 24, 2013
David Icke's theories along with mine regarding Bigfoot sightings
Welcome to my Blog! Please join me for a discussion about Bigfoots, Parallel Universes, Conspiracy Theories and much more!

First off, I do love to watch that show on TV "Finding Bigfoot" I can't say that I truly believe that there are Bigfoots running around this planet because I have never seen one. However, I've never seen God per-say and yet I believe in God (a creator of us and possibly this and other universes) Buddha, Yin & Yang, The Force, etc...
But several weeks ago I was watch Russell Brand's new show on FX, Brand X, he's hilariously brilliant and quite articulate and seemingly educated, as well. Anyway, Author, Speaker, David Icke was on his show briefly, but long enough to get me thinking. He spoke of parallel universes based on bandwidths. He says there are other universes in which we can't see because they are on/in another bandwidth than ours.
Here is his website if you wish to read and learn more about him and also this particular topic.

Years ago I also saw Sylvia Browne a well known Psychic and Author, loved by Montel Williams, a man whom I find to be a rather intelligent man, and Sylvia says there are other worlds/Universes and sometimes portals open up for one reason or another and those creatures end up in our world.
I actually had a friend who is Wiccan and taught me to read Tarot so well that it actually scared me I was so accurate. She claims to have seen these other worlds and been through these portals.
Still with me? I refuse to say whether or I believe in this stuff or not because I am actually still trying to figure that out myself. I can not say that it's not true, who am I to say that? I have a degree in Medical Specialties but not Quantum Science of any kind. Mostly just lots of reading and great TV programs to get me to thinking about what if? What if these Bigfoot/Sasquatch creatures are actually from another universe and the ones that are seen, have come through some portal or the people that can see them can see these other bandwidths?
I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions. Please let's not be rude here. I too have my doubts about a lot of this stuff. But I got to thinking and so many brilliant people believe in Bigfoot, let's give this parallel universe theory a chance.
Also please, any scientists I would love love love love, to hear your ideas too.
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